For young children approx. 0-7 years
Early diagnosis followed by structured, individualised services can make a significant difference in the lives of young autistic children. Autism Queensland provides a range of services to assist young children, their families and the professionals who support them.
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EarlyAQtion Early Childhood Intervention services are available at AQ Centres in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Gladstone, Rockhampton, Mackay and Cairns. Our services may also be available in other areas of Queensland or via telepractice. Please reach out to us today if you are interested in a service.
Autism Queensland offers a range of early childhood intervention services, including groups, individual therapy, diagnostic assessments and more.
Developed and delivered by therapy and education professionals with expertise in autism, these services focus on key elements including behaviour, social and motor skills, and family-based interventions to meet the needs of children and their families.
Please note: Fees apply to EarlyAQtion services and waitlists may apply.
Have an older child? Check out our services for school-aged children and adolescents here.
Please note, fees may apply to AQ services and supports.
EarlyAQtion Services Overview
EarlyAQtion Early Childhood Intervention services comprise targeted autism-specific programs and supports for young autistic children and their families as well as a range of services for organisations and professionals working with and supporting them.
Services for young autistic children, their parents/carers and family members:
Diagnostic Assessments
AQ has a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, speech pathologists and occupational therapists who are qualified to conduct a range of assessments with children, adolescents and adults for diagnostic and other purposes. Assessments include:
- Child & Adolescent Diagnostic Assessment
- ADOS-2 (as requested by medical specialist)
- Other assessments (occupational therapy, speech pathology, etc).
*Not available at AQ Gladstone or Rockhampton.
EarlyAQtion Early Childhood Intervention Groups
For young children ages 2-6 years.*
EarlyAQtion Early Childhood Intervention Groups support young children up to school entry age to develop the skills necessary for successful participation in home and community, and to transition into the next stage of their education. They are holistic, family-focused and transdisciplinary, with all areas of your child’s development being addressed, and staff having expertise and input across all areas of functioning.
*Not available at AQ Gold Coast.
Individual Supports and Therapy
AQ delivers face to face speech pathology and occupational therapy services for all ages from our centres across Queensland, and statewide through telepractice. Psychology and Social Work services are also available from some of out sites. Additionally, we offer Individual Inclusion and Transition Supports for various ages.
Our practitioners have a broad range of experience, skills and additional certifications to best cater to the individual needs of the person accessing their services.
Parent Education
Parent Education
AQ delivers autism-focused workshops, webinars, and specialised training services for a range of audiences including:
- Parents & carers
- Therapists, support workers, consultants
- Educators, teacher aides, teachers, school staff
- OHSC & Vacation Care staff and others.
PlayConnect+ Playgroups
PlayConnect+ Playgroups are delivered by the State and Territory Playgroup Associations as part of a consortium led by Autism Queensland and funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services as part of the National Early Childhood Program (NECP).
The program is also supported by the State Autism Associations.
PlayConnect+ groups are open to all children with disability and/or development delay aged 0-8 years, their families, carers and siblings.
AQ offers services via online conference, or what we refer to as “Telepractice” with our speech pathologists, occupational therapists and psychologists.
They are easy to navigate, and allow for interaction in many ways, such as:
- Live via interaction with ability to immediately share documents, videos and other resources
- Online visual cues or playing online games using a shared screen
- Working on documents or forms in real time
- Parent/carer training and coaching.
Therapy Groups
AQ offers a range of evidence-informed therapy groups for autistic children, adolescents and adults. These groups are developed and delivered by a team of therapy and education professionals with expertise in autism.
Our therapy groups focus on individual goals of the participant and their families and highlight areas of concern including behaviour, developmental and social participation, motor skills, transitioning to school, making friends, anxiety, daily living activities and independent lifestyles.
Transition & Inclusion Supports
We will ensure you and your child to enjoy a smooth and successful transition to the next step in their education journey as they transition to Prep.
Co-designed with you, your child and their school to ensure success, we will spend time getting to know your child and your family to ensure we understand what is important to you and what supports will help your child with their transition to school.
Transition supports are available at all AQ Centres. Sessions can be provided on-site in our clinic or any other location such as your child’s early childhood centre or at home (travel fees may apply).
Services for organisations and professionals:
Consultancy Services
Inclusion Consultancy Services
Our helpful and experienced autism specialists can partner with you and your teams to provide expert guidance around developing inclusive and innovative spaces/activities that are accessible to everyone. Available consultancy services include:
- Early Childhood Inclusion Services
- School Autism Consultancy Inclusion Services
- Community & Corporate Organisation Inclusion Services
Diagnostic Assessments & Individual Support
Allied Health & Diagnostic Assessments
AQ has a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, speech pathologists and occupational therapists who are qualified to conduct a range of assessments with children, adolescents and adults for diagnostic and other purposes. Assessments include:
- Child & Adolescent Diagnostic Assessment
- Adult Diagnostic Assessment
- ADOS-2 (as requested by medical specialist)
- Other assessments (occupational therapy, speech pathology, etc).
*Not available at AQ Gladstone or Rockhampton.
Individual Supports
Targeted supports addressing developmental and independence skills such as communication, toileting, eating and drinking, etc. Please email [email protected] for more information.
Kindergarten Inclusion Service
Kindergarten (Kindy) is for all children, and children of all abilities. AQ is proud to work with the Queensland Department of Education to deliver this free service to Queensland Approved Kindergartens Including State Delivered Kindergartens.
All children and families benefit from having access to inclusive early learning and development activities that promote positive outcomes, and we’re ready to support approved kindergartens to be inclusion ready for children with additional and complex needs.
The AQ Kindy Inclusion Service Team can offer advice, support and resources to empower and upskill educators in kindergarten programs to create a welcoming place so all children can learn in ways that work best for them.
We look forward to supporting kindergarten teachers and educators in their important work.
Positive Behaviour Guidance Service
Autism Queensland (AQ) is pleased to offer Positive Behaviour Guidance supports to early childhood services as part of the Queensland Government’s Early Childhood Guidance program pilot.
Educators and teachers in these settings, including kindergartens, long day care, family day care and out of hours school care, can access foundational workshops and webinars and tailored resources to integrate theory into practice. Follow-up workshops and additional resources, such as information papers and tip sheets, will also be available.
On-demand support will be available Monday-Friday, 8.30am-3.30pm via phone, email or telepractice.
This is a free and accessible service that aims to enhance the skills, confidence and knowledge of early childhood teachers and educators in using Positive Behaviour Guidance strategies in their settings.
Contact Information:
P: 3540 8610.
E: [email protected]
Professional Development & Education
AQ delivers autism-focused workshops, webinars, and specialised training services for a range of audiences including:
- Parents & carers
- Therapists, support workers, consultants
- Educators, teacher aides, teachers, school staff
- OHSC & Vacation Care staff and others.
Targeted, Short Term Staff Support
AQ can provide assistance to your team with:
- Individual Planning
- Development of Transition Plans
- Designing and implementation of environmental and curriculum adjustments
- Coaching and mentoring.
Please email [email protected] for more information.
Therapy Groups
Developed in collaboration with your early childhood team.
These therapy groups are developed in collaboration with your early childhood team to meet the needs of the autistic children attending your centre. These therapy groups target learning to play, school readiness, anxiety etc.
Please email [email protected] for more information.
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