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Autism Queensland is the State’s peak autism body, providing a comprehensive selection of education, therapy and support services to assist autistic children and adults, their families, carers and others supporting and working with them.
Head Office Number: (07) 3273 0000
Please note that fees apply to AQ services and supports.
Our Centres & Campuses
Autism Queensland is committed to evidence-informed practice. We provide specialised services and supports for autistic children, adolescents and adults, their families, professionals supporting them, and the community across Queensland.
AQ Centres
Brisbane Region & South-East Queensland:
Delivering services and supports to Brisbane’s north side, including Moreton Bay Region, Redcliffe Peninsula, Caboolture and Sunshine Coast. Click the button above to learn more about AQ Brighton.
Address: 136 North Rd, Brighton QLD 4017
Phone: 07 3631 6300
Email: [email protected]
Delivering services and supports to those living in and around the Gold Coast and southern bayside areas. Click the button above to learn more about AQ Gold Coast.
Address: Suite 6, 153 Cotlew Street Ashmore QLD 4214
Phone: 07 5605 9600
Email: [email protected]
Delivering services and supports to Brisbane’s south side, southern bayside areas, West Brisbane, Scenic Rim, Ipswich and Toowoomba. We also provide state-wide services to areas not covered by other centres. Click the button above to learn more about AQ Sunnybank Hills.
Address: 437 Hellawell Road, Sunnybank Hills QLD 4109
Phone: 07 3273 0000
Email: [email protected]
Central Queensland:
Delivering services and supports to Gladstone, Bundaberg, North Burnett, Biloela and surrounding areas. Click the button above to learn more about AQ Gladstone.
Address: 803 Glenlyon Rd, Glen Eden QLD 4680
Phone: 07 4904 9600
Email: [email protected]
Delivering services and supports to those living in and around the Rockhampton and wider areas. Click the button above to learn more about AQ Rockhampton.
Address: The John Villiers Centre of Excellence Central Queensland, 373 Lakes Creek Road, Koongal QLD 4700
Phone: 07 4923 4800
Email: [email protected]
Mackay-Whitsundays & Far North Queensland:
Delivering services and supports to those living in and around the Mackay-Whitsundays region and wider areas. Click the button above to learn more about AQ Mackay.
Address: The John Villiers Centre of Excellence Mackay-Whitsunday, 10 Macrossan Street, East Mackay QLD 4740
Phone: 07 4841 8300
Email: [email protected]
Delivering services and supports to those living in and around the Cairns and wider areas from two centres in Edmonton and Bungalow. Click the button above to learn more about our AQ Cairns sites.
Edmonton Site Address: 15 – 17 Marr Street, Edmonton QLD 4869
Bungalow Site Address: 11 Cava Close, Bungalow QLD 4870
Phone: 07 4034 6600
Email: [email protected]
AQ School Campuses
Brisbane Region & South-East Queensland:
AQ School Brighton is an autism-friendly, independent and accredited school supporting Prep-Year 12 autistic students living on Brisbane’s north side. Click the button above to learn more about AQ School and our Brighton Campus.
Address: 136 North Rd, Brighton QLD 4017
Phone: 07 3631 6300
School Email: [email protected]
Enrolments: [email protected]
New Enquiries: [email protected]
AQ School Brightwater is an autism-friendly, independent and accredited school supporting Prep-Year 10 autistic students living on the Sunshine Coast. Click the button above to learn more about AQ School and our Brightwater Campus.
Address: 18 Freshwater Street, Mountain Creek QLD 4557
Phone: 07 3273 0000
Email: [email protected]
AQ School Sunnybank Hills is an autism-friendly, independent and accredited school supporting Prep-Year 12 autistic students living on Brisbane’s south side and also delivering Distance Education to regional areas around Queensland. Click the button above to learn more about AQ School and our Sunnybank Hills Campus.
Address: 437 Hellawell Road, Sunnybank Hills QLD 4109
Phone: 07 3540 8627
School Email: [email protected]
Enrolments: [email protected]
New Enquiries: [email protected]
Central Queensland:
AQ School Rockhampton is an autism-friendly, independent and accredited school supporting Prep-Year 3 autistic students living in the Rockhampton and wider area. Click the button above to learn more about AQ School and our Rockhampton Campus.
Address: The John Villiers Centre of Excellence Central Queensland, 373 Lakes Creek Road, Koongal QLD 4700
Phone: 07 3273 0000
Email: [email protected]
Mackay-Whitsundays & Far North Queensland:
AQ School Mackay is an autism-friendly, independent and accredited school supporting Prep-Year 3 autistic students living in Mackay and the wider area. Click the button above to learn more about AQ School and our Mackay Campus.
Address: The John Villiers Centre of Excellence Mackay-Whitsunday, 10 Macrossan Street, East Mackay QLD 4740
Phone: 07 3273 0000
New Enquiries: [email protected]
AQ School Brighton is an autism-friendly, independent and accredited school supporting Prep-Year 6 autistic students living in Cairns and the wider area. Click the button above to learn more about AQ School and our Cairns Campus.
Address: 15 – 17 Marr Street, Edmonton QLD 4869
Phone: 07 4034 6600
School Email: [email protected]
Enrolments: [email protected]
New Enquiries: [email protected]
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