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A girl playing in the playground

Therapy Groups

For Young Children (approx. 0-7 Years)

AQ offers a range of evidence-informed therapy groups for young children focusing on individual goals and key elements including behaviour, developmental and social participation, motor skills, transitioning to school and more. These therapy groups are delivered in a safe and welcoming space.

Our therapy groups are designed to meet the needs of participants and their families and are delivered by members of our multidisciplinary team including teachers, teacher aides, speech pathologists, occupational therapists and psychologists.

We encourage you to express your interest in a therapy group service even if there are no current offerings or availabilities (or if your child is not within the age demographic) as it will help us gauge whether to run new or additional therapy programs or introduce the group in new locations. Have an older child? Check out our therapy groups for school-aged children and adolescents here.

Please note that fees apply to AQ therapy groups and waitlists may apply. Autism Queensland therapy group fees are charged under the Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living section of your NDIS Plan. If you do not have funding in this specific Support Category, please discuss with your NDIS Local Area Coordinator or phone the NDIS on 1800 800 110.

Group Formats & Waitlists

Group Formats
  • Group formats may vary by location.
  • Group age demographic may vary based on the needs of participants at time of group offering.
  • Not all groups are available in all locations.
  • Groups vary in duration during school terms or holiday periods. This may also vary by location.

Please note that waitlists may apply for some groups and that not all groups are available at all locations.

We encourage you to express your interest in a therapy group service even if there are no current offerings or availabilities as it will help us gauge whether to run new or additional therapy programs or introduce in new locations.

For questions regarding group formats and availabilities, please contact: [email protected].

Early Childhood Groups

For young children ages 2-6 years.

EarlyAQtion Early Childhood Groups support young children up to school entry age to develop the skills necessary for successful participation in home and community, and to transition into the next stage of their education. The groups are holistic, family-focused and transdisciplinary, with all areas of your child’s development being addressed, and staff having expertise and input across all areas of functioning.

Early Childhood Groups:
  • Recognise the specific needs of young autistic children.
  • Recognise parents are crucial members of the team who will help your child achieve success.
  • Use your child’s individual strengths and interests to motivate learning and develop skills.
  • Teach skills that are meaningful and useful for each child.
  • Utilise a positive approach to behaviour support which focuses on understanding the reasons for undesirable behaviour.
Available at AQ Centres in Brisbane, Gladstone, Rockhampton, Mackay and Cairns. (Not available at AQ Gold Coast)

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Learn more about our Early Childhood Groups

Young children attend during school terms. Group sizes are small depending on the needs of the children and centre facilities. Most join at the beginning of the school year and attend for at least 12 months.

All children receive an individual assessment before their enrolment commences. Families and our early childhood specialist staff jointly set your child’s goals for that term. These are reviewed at the end of each term and new ones set. This process continues throughout your child’s placement.

Please note fees apply. Waitlists may also apply, but we encourage you to express your interest even if we are at capacity as services may change or grow to suit demand.

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Short-Term Groups

For young children up to approximately age 7 years.*

AQ offers a range of short-term and holiday groups for young children and their families focusing on key elements including behaviour, developmental and social participation designed to meet the needs of participants.

Important information:
  • Please note that fees apply to AQ therapy groups and waitlists may apply.
  • Therapy groups are run in selected locations and throughout select times of the year only.
  • *Age eligibility may vary depending on the group and location held, please contact us for group suitability.
  • We encourage you to express your interest in a therapy group service even if there are no current offerings or availabilities (or if your child is not within the age demographic) as it will help us gauge whether to run new or additional therapy programs or introduce the group in new locations.
AQ therapy groups are available at applicable AQ Centres across Queensland (Brisbane, Gold Coast, Gladstone, Rockhampton, Mackay, and Cairns). Additionally, some groups may be offered in online format.

Food School

Designed to help children develop positive eating habits and reduce mealtime anxiety.

Food School is a fun and interactive group for young children that follows the principles of the Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding.

This therapy group aims to help children have positive experiences with food, learn about mealtime routines, decrease resistance to touching, tasting, and swallowing food, and expand the range of foods they will try.

We welcome expressions of interest at any time for this group.

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Food Scientists

Create positive experiences around food and help expand the range of food your child will try.

In this therapy group children will learn about the ‘science’ of food (using food for energy, learning about digestion and the properties of food), have positive experiences with food and expand the range of foods they will try.

We welcome expressions of interest at any time for this group.

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Fun, Friends & Feelings

A therapy group for young children and their parents to help with social development and participation.

Using a group environment we will teach and reinforce a range of skills including coping with stress and frustration, making friends, and communicating effectively with peers, family and staff at school/childcare.

We welcome expressions of interest at any time for this group.

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Happy Hands

Develop handwriting and fine motor skills.

Occupational therapists leading the sessions will use a play-based approach to help children in the therapy group develop skills to support the development of handwriting including: pencil grasp, drawing, colouring, creating artwork, sitting upright, maintain attention, and form shapes/letters.

We welcome expressions of interest at any time for this group.

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Holiday Hangout

Designed to support and develop confidence in having conversations with peers.

Holiday Hangout is a week-long program for children, which focuses on social participation and allows participants to connect with others who share similar interests. Through structured and unstructured activities, participants can explore different perspectives and learn new skills.

We welcome expressions of interest at any time for this group.

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LEGO® Club

Our allied health professionals will facilitate and build on your child’s social development.

Lego Club is a fun and creative environment where participants can showcase their Lego Master skills. Participants will work together to negotiate a project and support each other to complete the build within the timeframe of the group.

Please note this group is not suitable for children under 5.

We welcome expressions of interest at any time for this group.

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PREParation Station

For young children and their families to help prepare for a successful transition into mainstream Prep.

For young children and their families to help prepare for a successful transition into mainstream Prep. Children will have the opportunity to participate in a group education setting and build their pre-academic skills including handwriting, cutting and fine motor skills. Parents will also gain greater knowledge and understanding of their child’s individual needs and better equipped to support their child’s transition to Prep.

We welcome expressions of interest at any time for this group.

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Social Connections

Development of your child’s functional abilities in the area of social participation.

This group is delivered by specialist therapists and educators that will help your child develop their social participation skills including turn-taking, sharing, play, social communication and friendship. Children will participate in structured individual and group activities to allow for observation, informal assessment and goal-setting.

We welcome expressions of interest at any time for this group.

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Preparing for Year 1

Prepare for the successful transition from Prep to Year 1.

In this group, children will have the opportunity to participate in a group education setting and build their pre-academic skills (e.g. handwriting, cutting, fine motor etc). Children will practice learning as part of a group with their peers and will receive support from early intervention therapists and teachers.

We welcome expressions of interest at any time for this group.

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Ways to Play

This therapy group is looking to commence trialing in Rockhampton in 2023 but currently taking expressions of interest.

Achieve social and community participation goals through developing an understanding of play (for children and their parents).

Our experienced and professional staff will help build parent/carer knowledge and confidence of play development for their child with a focus on functional play skills. Our staff will increase parent/carer understanding of how ASD impacts their child (coaching, visuals, sensory and play preferences). This therapy group is designed to scaffold the child’s social and communication development through a variety of enjoyable learning activities where key skills are introduced, taught and reinforced.

Home visit is an option – eg. when setting goals (not part of the base cost but something that can be added on).

We welcome expressions of interest at any time for this group.

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