Cooperative Research Centre For Living With Autism
Autism Queensland played a key role in the development of a bid for a Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism (Autism CRC) and has been an essential participant in the CRC.
Dr Jill Ashburner, Manager Research and Development was project leader on the following projects funded by the Autism CRC:
- Overcoming Difficulties with Written Expression Read the report
- The Use of Structured Teaching Strategies to Support Students on the Autism Spectrum to Stay on Task in Mainstream Classrooms Read the report
- Evaluation of Studio G digital creative arts program for young adults on the autism spectrum or Read the report
- The development and evaluation of a goal setting tool for adolescents and adults on the autism spectrum or Read the report
Autism Queensland also contributed to numerous other Autism CRC projects including:
- Impact of improved classroom acoustics on the educational outcomes of students on the spectrum Read the report
- ASD Educational Needs Analysis: A nationwide online survey on the educational needs of students on the spectrum Read the report
- Early Years Behaviour Support Project Read the report
- Transition Models of Practice in Primary School and Secondary School Read the report
- Middle Years Behaviour Support Project The findings of this project are yet to be analysed. Autism Queensland provided two multidisciplinary teams who worked collaboratively with schools in the Rockhampton and Cairns regions through face-to-face and online meetings.
- Collaborative Partnerships in Action This project which has involved the Autism Queensland school is ongoing. The long-term objective is to create professional support products presenting real life examples of collaborative education partnerships in action, through three case studies which each involve a student, teacher and family member working together.
- An Educator’s Guide to My Way EmployABILITY This project which has involved the Autism Queensland school is ongoing. The project will involve teachers participating in the trial and evaluation of teacher resources to support transition planning for students on the spectrum.
Visit the Autism CRC website for more information on other research projects and findings.