Will you join the conversation?
Autism Queensland (AQ) is helping the NDIS Independent Review Panel gather information from autistic Australians aged 15 years and older, their families and carers to:
- Understand what’s working well with the NDIS and;
- What could be improved to better support autistic people and their families.
This July and August we are collecting input from a diverse range of autistic people and their families from across Australia so whether you live in the hustle and bustle of a big city or in a small regional or remote town, we want to hear from you.
It also doesn’t matter if you or your family member is currently accessing the NDIS or not – your voice truly matters.
If you’re autistic and you want to join the conversation, this is your chance!
There are many ways you can provide share your experiences and feedback*.
You can:
Have a one on one chat with someone from the project team
or attend a group session.
Share your experiences through artwork
*You are welcome to share your experiences and feedback through any or all of the options listed above.
What Happens with the Information Autism Queensland Collects?
We will use the information you share to inform the NDIS Independent Review.
You don’t have to give us any personal information if you don’t want to. If you don’t give us your personal information or your consent:
- we will not record the session.
- we might not be able to use what you tell us as part of the NDIS Review.
If you choose to share your story with the NDIS Review we may make it public, but only if you tell us we can.
If you are participating in a one on one or group sessions we will ask you to sign a consent form before you participate. In this form you can also let us know what personal information you do not want us to share.
AQ would also like to use the information you share to support their policy and advocacy work for people with disabilities after the NDIS Review is finished. If you say we can use your information, it will be de-identified which means we may publish a quote from you, but remove information such as your name, so that no one would be able to identify you.
The privacy and security of your personal information is protected by law. Our Privacy Policy explains how we handle and protect your information. It also explains how you can ask to see to or correct the personal information we have about you and who to contact if you have a question or complaint.