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Autism Queensland News

Respecting and Welcoming the Many Voices of Autism

Position Statement released by Pam Macrossan, CEO, for World Autism Day, 2 April 2023.

At Autism Queensland (AQ) we seek, welcome and value the many different Voices of Autism – each with their own unique set of experiences.

We are committed to working with autistic people, their families and communities, other service providers and researchers, to co-design a life of opportunity, participation and choice.

Autism is a spectrum condition which means that while all people with a diagnosis share certain challenges and strengths, they can present in a variety of ways and to varying extents.

Hence, everyone’s experience of, and with, autism is unique.

The autism and autistic communities are a diverse group of people with diverse experiences and strengths, all of which are valid and valued.

AQ celebrates the Autistic Voices who speak on their own behalf and for the autistic community. We also welcome and value the voices of families, including parents and siblings, who speak alongside and for their autistic family members and loved ones, sharing their own unique and valid experiences.

In its 2022 strategic review process, AQ asked autistic participants and their families whether AQ should be speaking and advocating on their behalf where we can.

The response was overwhelmingly positive. Our clients and their families choose to trust AQ to speak on their behalf, just as many choose not to be politically active or simply do not have the resources or ability to do so. Without someone to speak up for this group, they would remain invisible.

AQ welcomes, respects and values all Voices of Autism. We will continue to speak out, influence and advocate where needed with the authority vested in us by our clients and their families; with our over 55 years’ experience in delivering our vision and mission; and as Queensland’s peak autism organisation.

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